Choose Life
In current events, we are seeing a rise in polarization between forces. The spread of Radical Islam is not something that happened in history, it is something that is happening right now. Meanwhile, the resistance forces (let’s make it sound like a Star Wars movie so that we all feel interested) stand for a freedom beyond the simplicity of ‘believers’ vs. ‘non-believers’ of the... dare I say... controversial Qur’an.
Now is our time to choose life and not death. “Choose Life,” the Torah (Bible) commands us.
How can we fulfill that commandment? How can we culture life instead of illness?
It may seem to be inconsequential to think of simple things like what we eat, how we eat, and our general lifestyles. After all, our nation is dealing with war, terror, mass secularization and other critical topics on a daily basis.
But here it is: A still, small voice reminding us of the grave importance of preliminary health and sustainable lifestyles. Without our health, we do not have minds to consider or bodies to work with. Without stamina, our abilities to do anything in this world decrease dramatically. The good news is that the path to health and stamina is not nearly as complex as we might make it out to be.
We do not need to be a doctor, take tens of multi-vitamins nor be members in the best-rated fitness club. No. In order to be healthy and have stamina we must recall the undeniable, basic truths that have become distorted and hidden in the great cloud of exile.
For example: Eat natural foods. When we eat natural foods, we feel more connected to nature, which gives a feeling and experience of wholeness that is not found in processed or chemical-laden foods. Natural foods have a complex make-up that equals more than the sum of its parts. The various micronutrients work together to maximize absorption and efficacy in doing good for your health. While it is perhaps “easier” to grow food by spraying with pesticides and herbicides to destroy bugs and weeds, that’s not what’s conducive to growing healthy food, to sustainable agriculture/ rich earth, nor to growing nutritious, deeply nourishing food. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]
It should be noted that there is a significant difference between one who is in good health and one who is suffering from poor health. Those suffering from poor health need to take more extreme measures in terms of herbal medicine combined with holistic treatments and therapies. Invasive surgeries are a last resort and should go together with a swearing to one’s self of a significant change in ways in order to avoid any future extreme measures. “Choose Life.” Pharmaceutical medicines are also an extreme measure. We are a generation of guinea pigs trying out these new medicines called “pharmaceuticals” whose side effects are sometimes worse than the conditions they come to treat. Other dangers of pharmaceutical medicines are the crystallization of otherwise-treatable conditions. For example, if one takes the chemical pharmaceuticals prescribed to those with Parkinson’s for two weeks or more, that person is under no condition allowed to partake in two large Parkinson’s natural healing treatment centers. This is because these medications crystallize the problem as it is which is said to aid the condition from not getting worse. Simultaneously, however, this make fully healing the condition basically impossible. Therefore, consider your medications deeply before deciding to agree to ingest them. Remember, the pharmaceutical industry is a very lucrative one for those who are producing, prescribing and distributing, but these drugs might really not be your best choice. That being said, never, ever despair. Wherever you are, “Choose Life!”
For those in relatively good health, we must realize that the secret to optimal health is not only in what we feed our bodies, but in what we do with our bodies that dictates our health. The quality of our nourishment should be pristine. Otherwise, don’t expect the physical health to last that long. That is simply the reality of our times and it should be said in a straightforward manner. It is very worthwhile to eat healthy, organic, fresh food. Just as our bodies and the Earth are made of mostly water, so, too, it is beneficial to drink water and water-based plants; fruits, vegetables, greens, sprouts & mushrooms. Similarly, it is beneficial to have organic shakes, juices & teas. Water should be living, heavily filtered or reverse-osmosis. Finally, it is beneficial not to overeat anything, have large meals often, nor eat complex food combinations very often. That being said, the secrets to optimal, vibrant health has little to do with hospitals or health food stores. It begins in the mind - a healthy attitude, a positive outlook, practicing gratitude in life. It continues to healthy, constructive speech and to acting out good deeds in this world. When we think good, speak good and do good, we feel good. When we feel good, we’re more likely to eat healthy. To live a vibrant, healthy life requires us to enjoy and cherish our lives. As Albert Einstein said: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.” The term “health” here is referring to a Holistic Health - which has to do with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies which tend to reflect each other. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]
The polarization between life and death is one we are constantly treading within; every inhale - exhale, morning - night and with each hello - goodbye. The commandment to “Choose Life” is an ongoing mitzvah (commandment.) It’s not something we do once, but something we have the ability to do each moment anew.
Take care not to entrust your health or your body to another before checking in with a) yourself and b) different types of practitioners, in order to get additional perspectives. Guard your life and your health with all you have, and thereby guard your freedom, opportunities, abilities & future. Together, our culture can thrive. In good health, we can receive the blessing to overcome all obstacles.