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The Purist & The Skeptic

In considering the controversies around organic, our community deserves to be fully educated. Then we can all judge for ourselves and understand what the organic industry is about. While it isn’t Absolutely Perfect, nothing is in this world. That being said, it is a truly inspiring and revolutionary movement. Genuine companies like Organic Circle are here to help you transition. The following is a fictional conversation based on the Official USDA (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture) “Introduction to Organic Practices”.

The Purist & The Skeptic Analyze Organic:

Purist: The USDA organic regulations describe organic agriculture as: The application of a set of cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that support the cycling of on-farm resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. These include maintaining or enhancing soil & water quality; conserving wetlands, woodlands, and wildlife; and avoiding use of synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation and genetic engineering.

Skeptic: “Avoiding use of…” Well, how strict are they?

Organic Crop Production Practices

P: Organic farming builds soil quality by adding compost, animal manures or green manures. These convert to nutrients and create a humus that sustains soil quality by protecting soil from wind & water erosion. Organic producers are forbidden from using sewage sludge or biosolids. S: Organic farmers use organic seeds & planting stocks most of the time, but they can use conventionally grown seeds when an equivalent organic variety is not available!

Moderator: They are prohibited from using GMO seeds or seeds treated with prohibited substances like fungicides.

P: Organic crop producers are required to practice crop rotation to interrupt insect life cycles, suppress soil borne plant diseases, prevent soil erosion, build organic matter, fix nitrogen & increase farm biodiversity. To manage pests, weeds & diseases, organic farms rely on the PAMS strategy; Prevention, Avoidance, Monitoring and Suppression. If suppression becomes necessary, producers will use mechanical and physical practices like releasing predatory insects to reduce pest populations or laying down a thick layer of mulch to smother weeds.

S: And as a last resort, producers can use an approved pesticide! That includes naturally occurring microorganisms, insecticides naturally derived from plants OR one of a few approved synthetic substances.

*Moderator: As more natural alternatives are being discovered, synthetic substances are being slowly removed from that list.

P: Organic crop producers are required to prevent contact between organic and conventionally-grown crops or prohibited pesticides or fertilizers. They use buffer zones like hedgerows or crops separating them from roadways or conventional crops. Prohibited materials can’t be applied to land used for organic cultivation for a full 3 YEARS!

Organic Livestock Production Practices P: Organic livestock producers provide living areas that encourage the health and natural behavior of their animals. Practices reflect concerns for animal welfare. Animals must have access to outdoor areas, shade, shelter, exercise, fresh air, clean drinking water and direct sunlight! Livestock shelters give animals protection from extreme temperatures, adequate air circulation & ventilation + exercise space. Animals must have access to pasture during grazing season. They are prohibited from being continuously confined. Preventative health practices and systems are used such as balanced nutrition, exercise & a low-stress environment. Antibiotics & Growth-promoting Hormones are prohibited. All this contributes to building strong immune systems in animals.

S: Vaccinations are permitted.

P: Livestock feed must be certified organic - pastures, forages, plant-based bedding - Everything!

S: Certain additives like vitamins & minerals not produced organically can be fed to organic livestock in trace amounts. Also, regarding animal origin, livestock is only required to be raised organically from the last third of gestation. Birds used for poultry or egg production can come from any source and must be raised organically beginning their 2nd day of life.

Organic Processing Practices:

P: No ingredients or products labeled “Organic” or “Made with Organic Ingredients” may be produced using genetic engineering, sewage sludge or ionizing radiation. Neither can either of those labels contains any additives that are not approved for organic use.

S: Aside for the regulated additives, organic processors must use organic ingredients for a minimum of 95% of the product. Not 100.

Moderator: Things like filtered water, sea salt & baking soda that aren’t “certified” are included in that 5%, though they’re all technically organic.

P: Organic processors must always prevent commingling (mixing) with non-organic ingredients & products throughout processing as well as prevent contact between the organic ingredients & non-organic substances, including prohibited sanitizers. They must clean and sanitize processing equipment when changing from non-organic to organic products.

S: In managing pests, if all other approaches have failed, organic processors may use an approved synthetic substance.

*Moderator: Organic Processors must ensure that those substances do not come in contact with the organic products.

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