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Integrating Ancient Jewish Wisdom
& World Healing Traditions

Advancing our Character Traits
The path to a balanced outer physical world goes hand in hand with balancing our inner emotional, mental and spiritual worlds.
Throughout spiritual communities world-wide are lifestyles that include self-reflection practices in which one aims to attain better personal characteristics.
The motive behind is explained in a fascinating way by Rav Ashlag, a 20th century 'Modern Kabbalist'. He teaches that in the spiritual world, two things are close when they are similar in character - as opposed to close in physical space-time. If one wants to become more divine one's self, or alternatively one wants to come close to G-d, then one is to align their character traits with those understood as characteristics of the Divine.
Hassidic Masters have taught: S/HE is holy, therefore be holy. S/HE is merciful, therefore be merciful. Just as S/HE is pure, so too, aim to be pure. {See the book Tomer Devora.} If one wants to draw close to what is known as the source of all pleasure and good, one is to align one's characteristics with those of that same source. This practice of aligning with the Divine is practiced by aligning with the Ten Sefirot and/or the related Eastern system of Chakras. Or, it can be practiced by imagining a role model or figure in one's life and their inspiring character traits, and aligning with them. Self-reflection meditations aid a person in connecting with their inner power, responsibility and core.
Our characteristics can be judged by our relationships with Self, Others & Whole/All.
Another wide-spread teaching is that we are all mirror images of one another;
The legend tells that the United Mirror broke into billions of pieces which make up our world. Now, whenever we look at another and judge or see something, we are judging and seeing our selves. A great practice is to consider judgments - good and bad - that you are harboring or that arise in you of others and analyze how these judgments are actually your judgments of yourself. When we then adjust ourselves, we will find that our mirror images will also adjust. This is an advanced principle in understanding just how much power we have over our lives.
A healthy character leads to a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle leads to a healthy being. There are many, many paths to balance and harmony. No one practice is required.
Each person has a unique story. There is no one correct path. This is an important understanding on the path to making peace with others.
So far, we have understood that a holistic lifestyle usually involves first taking care of a healthy inner physical world and secondly caring for a healthy inner immaterial world. This involves sorting out confusions, learning healthy emotional and mental habits, making peace with ourselves and others and finding what our passion in life is. Our inner spiritual world includes understanding our personal gifts, wills and intentions. It involves learning how to become a part of the whole in the most harmonious way, and how to connect with that which is both greater than and weaker than us in order to find our honest places in life. It involves understanding that each of us are unique and influential creations with infinite potential! It involves great confidence in ourselves as divine elements of life itself.
Holistic - Whole (Shalem) - (Shalom) Peace
The following is a list of some highly encompassing ways to consider reality's order in terms of 5's. Each column is coordinated. The purpose of this is to show that extraordinary order exists in this world, part of one united supra-conscious Genius.
(Similar lists can show correlations of many other numbers. One is G-d's Oneness. Two see below; duality. Three includes a synthesis to the thesis and antithesis of Two. Four is the Five list without number Five which Unites the Four. Similarly, Six are the six directions/planets and Seven representing Shabbat/Saturn unites those. Ten are the Sefirot which include the six. Twelve the tribes/months etc. All is correlated, as studied by wisdom traditions the world over.)
Physical Emotional Mental Spiritual Universal
Earth Water Fire Air Space
Touch Taste Sight Smell Sound
Mineral Plant Animal Speaking Divine
Skin Muscles/Flesh Organs/Sinews Bones Bone Marrow
Action Speech Thought Mind Will
Action Formation Creation Emanation Primordial Man ('Worlds')
אדם קדמון (א״ק) אצילות בריאה יצירה עשיה
כתר חכמה בינה חג"ת נה"י מלכות (Ten 'Sefirot'/Divine Attributes)
Kingship, 6 'emotion/character' Sefirot, Understanding, Wisdom, Crown
Daughter/Bride, Son/Groom, Wife/Mother, Husband/Father, Grandfather
אריך אנפין, אבא, אמא, זאיר אנפין, נוקבא ('Partzufim'/Personas)
'Indwelling soul', 'Spirit', 'Divine Soul', 'Living Essence', 'Unique/Unified Essence'
יחידה חיה נשמה רוח נפש (Levels of the Soul)
Hey Vav Hey Yud Apex of Yud (Tetragrammaton)
Negiya Brit Lashon Eynayim Yichud (Shmirot, original)
Now here is a list of some highly encompassing ways to consider reality's order in terms of 2's. Here, too, each column is coordinated.
+ -
1 0
White Black
Yes No
Yang Yin
Soul Body
Masculine Feminine
Giving Receiving
Light Vessel
Milk Meat
Spiritual Physical
צורה (Form) חומר (Raw Material)
Creator Creation
Love Awe
Intellect Emotion
Kindness Judgment
Water Blood
אין סוף ברוך הוא אריך אנפין
אמונה שלימה אור שכלי
Heaven Earth
Transcendence Immanence
Mercy Justice
Revelation Concealment
Divine Omniscience Human Free Will
Day Night
Sun Moon
On our path to Holistic Health, it is important to understand that all is inter-connected.
From this knowledge comes the understanding that:
"No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main." (John Donne)
“Man did not weave the web of life – he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.” (Chief Seattle)
"He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye" (Bhagavad Gita)
“Man - A small Universe; The Universe - A large Man”
Midrash Tanchuma

Healing Ourselves
As such, issues in our life need not be solved by a pill persay, but alternatively by a root analysis of the issue at hand. Pills are not natural. As a medicine, they are an extreme measure. And if pills are extreme, what is surgery? An important part of Holistic Health is realizing that we each have the ability to know our selves better than a doctor, dentist or surgeon has the ability to know us - with all of the most expensive equipment included. Now for example, if one's leg hurts, the immediate question should be that of taking responsibility: Why does my leg hurt? Did I walk a lot recently? Did I sit or sleep in a poor position perhaps? If we understand a physical thing that we did wrong, we can learn from it for our lives and grow from the experience of the pain. The next level of thought should be: What did I use my legs for recently? Did I run to do something I didn't want to do? Something inappropriate? Did I use my legs in a bad way - and this is why they hurt now? Furthermore, what do my legs symbolize to me? The correlation between our bodies and minds is incredibly powerful. If we understand some revelation from these considerations - Great! Allow time, love and newfound wisdom to heal you. If this is not enough-- Onward!
There is a meditation called "Self-Realization Meditation," a part of which allows each person the space to actually dialogue with and get to know one's inner organs and physical parts. According to this path, one may actually ask the leg what is wrong and what you can do to help it. At this point and indeed throughout this entire process, one may caress, touch and/or massage wherever it hurts. This can be done intuitively and with sensitivity to whatever our bodies are asking for, precisely. We can place something cold or hot where it hurts - depending on what our bodies are asking for. We can learn to listen and be our own healers! The key is to remain calm, to accept and & see the situation as objectively as possible and to give care & attention to the issue. Asking for help, researching online and/ or seeking professional advice is also a good way to gain additional insight. After going through a personal journey with your personal issue, you will find yourself more able to listen to advice, weigh it, seek out alternative solutions, and/or patiently heal yourself. The body is a genius organism usually very capable of healing itself, for the body has extraordinary power and capability, especially when combined with a positive and strong will seeking health and versatility, as well as a sincere heart full of prayer.
This stage in Holistic Health is learning how to better heal ourselves and aid others in their approach to healing, too. It may involve music, breathwork, meditation, aromatherapy & much more.
The healthier we are, the faster the body can heal itself. Needless to say, Preventative Medicine is a worthwhile investment for your life! If extreme measures and treatments ever do become necessary, then holistic practices will aid as supplementary healing techniques.
Following this comes a stage in which one creates sacred, harmonious space around them - involving cleanliness, order, and wisdoms such as: color and art traditions, sacred geometry, feng shui, permaculture and connection with the mineral (crystal), plant and animal kingdoms.
Later stages of Advanced Holistic Health include uncovering our divine sparks and coming closer to the essence of life and G-d/The All/The Infinite One... In this sense, we take full responsibility for that which happens in our lives, and blaming others or falling victim become annihilated. Pleasure is embraced, and fears, as well as emotions in general, are enjoyed; as a feather tickling one's experience...
As one understands one's connection to ALL to greater and greater degrees, one realizes that: to give is to receive, to receive is to give, G-d is in everything and everything in G-d. At this point, there are many great wisdoms and teachings to discover including but not limited to the Kabbalah.
What's left is to live in bliss, pleasure, freedom, joy and peace, knowing always how to "run and return".
Tip: Gratitude is a highly recommended practice. Try writing five things you are grateful for for a number of consecutive days. This life is a gift, find meaning and purpose in it.
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