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Cyclical Reality

“What goes around comes around,” goes the saying. Living in New York City, with its flashing lights and nonstop action, can sometimes be exhausting. Or, that’s an understatement. Living in New York City is often exhausting. 2016’s metropolis life is now much more stimulating than it was even just a generation ago.

Today, we are exposed to the lights of computers & smartphones in a significantly more blatant and literally ‘in-your-face’ way than we ever dreamed would occur.

And in a life full of screens, screenplays, acts, dramas and so on, it becomes more and more difficult to gain any grasp on reality’s inner workings, patterns, laws & foundations.

We have become increasingly cut off from our roots and from the roots of things in general. In other words, the sources of things and the Source in general have become practically lost, forgotten, even rebelled against.

‘A good deed leads to another good deed,’ we’ve been taught, and ‘a bad deed leads to another bad deed.’ We’re conditioning ourselves in life, constantly acclimatizing to the innovations of our generation. It’s very exciting to be in the midst of a technological revolution. But we need to stay rooted. Where do these technological devices come from? How are they produced? What is their purpose? What should we do with them? What are we meant to do with them?

Roots, roots, roots. It is easy to forget, in a democratic country, in a liberal city, that the only way such a liberal city can exist is through a strong army holding off radically conservative, religious forces. Even in Israel it can be easy to forget that the whole country, with all its incredible glory, is only made possible by the incredibly powerful army, hard at work 24/7. We may not like fighting, but fighting is allowing our “free” lives their stage. Screens, images, ‘Idol’s - our attention is at any given moment being pulled in thousands of directions and only we can choose: yay or nay. That which we give our attention, time and resources to is that which we are empowering, voting for, supporting. Each penny given is a vote towards what we want to grow and flourish. And “what goes around comes around” - The world we are voting for and creating around us is the one we and our descendents will have to live in. Life is not just a stage. Life is not just an act. Life is a broad canvas on which we put our marks, however beautiful or ugly they are.

Cyclical Reality, including seasons, astronomy and general patterns throughout miniscule & grandiose measurements of time, are an encouraging reminder that we do not live in a bubble. We are not isolated, no matter how alone we may feel. We are not lost in randomness, no matter how confused we may have become.

We have the capacity to be influential beings. With all this said, here are the ideas I feel are important for us to remember at this time, in this place:

  1. Money is power, energy, opportunity, potential. Money is not evil, it is a tool. Wherever we put our money is how we literally support a business, company, family, idea, etc. It is crucial to find the balance and learn how to spend money healthily, so that we don’t feel stuck or hoarding nor do we feel that we are spending too obliviously. What are we saving up for? What good can we do with our privileges?

  2. We reap what we sow. We feel good and are healthy in accordance with how we eat, exercise and treat ourselves. The roots of our cells are in the food that we renew our bodies with. What are we made of? What are we nourishing ourselves with? Pure, organic produce should be at the base of a healthy diet. Just as we are made mostly of water, so is the produce. Access to high quality filtered water should also be a major consideration of every home.

  3. Though we might feel on the verge of despair, the Earth is an enormous organism that is constantly fighting to cleanse and ‘stay afloat’, just like us! The moment we stop polluting, using disposables, & so on is the moment that we are taking one step in the direction of sustainability for ourselves and future generations. When we start to recognize the plant world as our neighbors, we will realize that the plant world is a healer and an incredible source of abundance.

Thanks for tuning in !

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