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The Difference of Dairy

One of the most striking quotes I’ll never forget from my Ayurvedic holistic health teacher, Dr. Naina Marballi, was as follows: ‘Dairy, when coming from a good, healthy & wholesome source can be the greatest medicine. Dairy, when coming from other places can prove to be the greatest poison.’

She essentially created two categories; one strict, idealistic setting that felt nearly impossible to reach and - all the rest.

Now because it is so difficult to find healthy, happy dairy products, many people are swearing off dairy products as a very unhealthy food which should be avoided at all costs. Some are ethically opposed to the treatment of the animals in the dairy industry. Some are avoiding the physical impacts on themselves or their family members, for example: people with osteoporosis or migraines. Some have been deemed “lactose-intolerant”. Some environmental-minded even see the dairy industry as draining our resources and contributing to world poverty.

Thankfully, today we do have easy access to the highest quality milk - available in both cow and goat varieties. They are available at places like Organic Circle. I endorse two [Cholov Yisroel] farm-to-table Milks; Bethel Creamery and Wayside Acres. These companies use the lowest possible pasteurization; basically cooking the milk for a half an hour, as opposed to flashing the milk with an incredibly high temperature. This low pasteurization maintains the natural health benefits of the milk without destroying their living enzymes. They are both additionally non-homogenized - again, maintaining their natural form & maximum health benefits. The shelf-life is shorter on non-homogenized products, but that’s a good thing for the consumer; it means we’re buying fresher products !

It is heart-breaking indeed to discuss the conventional milking farms and their ways. If you have ever loved an animal, you can relate. It is inhumane. Despicable, even. It yearns for a revolution. It can bring us to nausea and/or tears. But we need to be educated as to this topic. Our actions & purchasing power make a difference. The businesses we support are those that will grow & prosper. We need to understand why it is so important to support the organic dairy farms.

Did you know? Right now, the vegan movement in Israel is booming. Israel is known as the most vegan country in the world. Approximately 10% of the country is currently vegetarian, 5% vegan. That means 1 in 20 people consume zero meat, chicken, fish, dairy or egg products. Astonishing, right? This strong boom happened over the course of an approximately 5 year period due to heavy exposure of how unethically those industries operate along with research showing detrimental effects of [conventional] dairy on our health.

So let’s explore together: what are the main issues around conventional milk?

  1. Harsh machine milking can yield pus, pain, infections, udder destruction & usage of toxic germicide teat dips. In contrast, at Wayside Acres farm, monthly inspections by technicians insure that the machines are pumping at the correct pressure and that the goats (and all their parts) are in pristine health.

  2. At conventional farms, the above issues lead to usage of Hormones & Antibiotics. Antibiotics are suspected of leading to the formation of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria which pass through the milk. Hormones such as estrogen are suspected of being responsible for earlier onset of puberty in girls. The hormones are given to the cows so that they produce significantly more milk. However they also live significantly shorter lives than the organically grown animals.

  3. Homogenization & Ultra-pasteurization reduces the health benefits & nutritional value, as discussed above

  4. Inhumane treatment & living conditions of conventional as opposed to animals who are sincerely cared for and given ample room to roam when they are not inside being milked.

  5. Feed of non-organic cheap grains, carcass & waste remains as opposed to organically-nourished animals who are fed grass and some high quality grain during milking to aid their milking process.

  6. Since cows stop milking much sooner, conventional dairy farmers are constantly buying new animals, as the demand for milk is high. But in multi-generations models, such as at Wayside Acres, no outside animals are brought in. The group of animals grow organically, allowing for naturally husbanded animals as they grow into a set environment.

It should be noted that these issues magnify to higher degrees depending on the concentration of the chosen dairy product i.e. concentrated cheeses. To recap: ‘Dairy, when coming from a good, healthy & wholesome source can be the greatest medicine. Dairy, when coming from other places can prove to be the greatest poison.’

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