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A Dose of Healthful Inspiration

Growing up on Entenmanns and Pepsi, I could never have foreseen my life taking a turn towards healthy food. But it's been nearly a decade now that I have been health conscious. And I'd like to share some of my findings from these years of research, experimentation and discovery.

I got bored of all of the really negative "Don't have this," "Don't have this and this together", "Beware the horrid dangers of X, Y and Z" and though I know they're an important part of our education, I feel it's equally if not significantly more important to focus on what we should be consuming, practicing and replacing with.

That's the common downfall of the strict diet plans. If you want to go on a vegan diet, a raw food diet, a ketogenic diet or any other then you have to understand what that diet should ideally contain. Because if you are only cutting things out of your current diet then you'll be left with a tiny portion of your normal regimen and likely end up feeling weak and uncomfortable or downright malnourished. We don't want that !!

I first learned about and was inspired by healthy food in Israel. The vegetables tasted so good there. Why was that?! It really got me thinking... Was it the soil? Was it a different strain of food? Was it the air?

Eventually I learned that the majority of the produce in America has been modified to look nice, big, shiny and full; and that this modification has left the food at a lower overall quality in regards to mineral and vitamin content in the foods. America's use of herbicides and pesticides is also significantly higher than that of other countries, which can really ruin the health value of a perfectly good product.

I acquainted myself with whole foods, balanced meals, greens, roots, herbs, spices and the like. My Ayurveda (Ancient Indian Medicine Tradition) teachers taught that for inner and outer harmony we should make sure our diet ranges all of the different tastes (Sweet, Salty, Bitter, Sour, Astringent, Pungent). They also taught that the different colors in food (natural colors!) represent different vitamins and minerals, so we should take note of the color diversity in our food for optimal health.

Food was no longer cheap, inexpensive or obvious. It became a search for the healthiest, purest foods I could find. I cherish the organic non-GMO options, the exotic mushrooms, the fresh fruit and veggie juices and the sweet world of sprouts. I have to say, it feels wonderful to take good care of myself. I know that I am providing the best quality nourishment to my body and spirit. I also know that I am supporting the businesses and people who hold similar interests in improving our standard of living when it comes to the sources of our physical nourishment.

If I had to provide one tip, it would be to be kind to yourself. We don't want to baby ourselves with every craving that ever arises. Some of those cravings are products of our environment, advertising and the subconscious of the crowds. But if we really want to be kind to ourselves, we will allow ourselves to give a real chance to the things we know will truly be best for us. We deserve it! And we should stand as examples for others to take good care of themselves. That way, we can have a really healthy and wholesome community that could merit to have a positive influence over even our most difficult and stiff-necked of neighbors.

Breathe deeply, stretch, anoint yourself in good quality oils and enjoy the pleasures of this world.

That's what they're here for !

I encourage us each to continue researching the sources of our families' nourishment and to never give up the journey toward a healthier, better functioning and mutually-supportive community and world. Though it might seem like a lot at first, in time a healthy lifestyle becomes a basic part of who you are...

It's like the Hebrew saying goes : יגעתה ומצאתה- תאמין! לא יגעתה ומצאתה- אל תאמין

"You've toiled and achieved? - Believe! You haven't toiled and you've achieved? - Don't Believe"

With blessings and best wishes,


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